General examination regarding CVS
Clubbing with cyanosis-Right to left shunt
- Xanthroleshma
- Archus cornea-Creamy yellow discoloration at the boundary of iris due to cholesterol precipitation
Splinter hemorrhage-(SBE)-Small linear hemorrhage under
Ostler’s nodes-Painful erythematous swelling in finger
Arterial pulsation examination
Radial pulse(Mnemonics - RRV_CCT)
Check Rate , Rhythm , Volume , Condition of vessel wall , Character ,Tension of vessels ,radio radial delay , radio femoral delay(Coarctation of aorta)
Volume and character better by carotid pulse
Brachial pulse-Medial to biceps at antecubital fossa
pulse-Angle of jaw just anterior to
sternocleidomastoid muscle
Popliteal-Popliteal fossa
tibial-2cm below and behind the medial
malleolus between flexor digitorum and
flexor hallucis longus
pedis-Just lateral to extensor hallucis
longus in 1st inter metatarsal space most proximally
Pulse rate-
Bardycardia(Heart rate below 60 beats/min)
Sinus bradycardia: When SA node produces impulse <60 beats/min
Tachycardia(Heart rate >100beats/min)
Sinus tachycardia: When SA node produces impulse 100 beats/min
Sinus tachycardia: When SA node produces impulse 100 beats/min
Examination of Blood pressure
JVP examination-
Measured at 45 degree lying
Opposite sided face to relax neck muscle
Observe along medial border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
If not found , then do abdomino jugular reflux to confirm highest limit of pulse
Measure from sternal angle which is normally 4cm indicating 6mmHg pressure of right atrium. In Kussmaul’s sign there is paradoxical rise in JVP in inspiration indicating constrictive pericarditis due to less accommodation of increased venous return during inspiration---
a wave peak: Right Atrial
contraction(Giant in tricuspid stenosis , absent in atrial fibrillation)
x descent: Tricuspid ring descent/fall in g atrial pressure
during ventricular systole(Rapid descent in Constrictive pericarditis)
c wave peak: Tricuspid closure
v wave peak: Atrial filling/ventricular contraction(Giant in tricuspid regurgitation)
y descent: Opening of tricuspid(Rapid descent in Pericardial
Raised JVP: Congestive cardiac failure , tricuspid regurgitation ,constrictive pericarditis , pericardial temponade , superior venacaval obstruction
[Pulse & Blood pressure for left heart , and
JVP & leg edema for right heart]
Precordium examination
Area of heart that lies on the anterior chest wall is
Patients sits at 45 degree sitting position and check
1.Shape of the chest/precordium
2.Visible cardiac impulse ,bulging/TOF/children mainly
3.Engorged vein-Sup venacaval obstruction(Downward direction) ,inferior
venacaval obstruction(Upward direction)
4.Scar marks-Parasternal for open heart surgery
,mitral area for mitral commissurotomy
1.Loacte apex and measure from left sternal edge along
midclavicular line(Minorly check for any swelling/tenderness)
If not found/obese person make left lateral position
to confirm(Normal , Thrusting in right ventricular
hypertrophy , Tapping in Mitral stenosis , Thrilling in VSD)
2.Check for thrill(Palpable murmur on chest wall)
by flat of the fingers at apex(mitral area) , 3rd/4th
space(tricuspid area) , aortic and pulmonary area , below the clavicle(PDA)
,above tricuspid area(VSD)
3.Left parasternal heave( Systolic thrust in right
ventricular hypertrophy) by heel of the hand with fingertips right angle to sternum
4.Pulmonary component of 2nd heart
sound(Palpable P2) at left 2nd space with finger tips(Use index ,
middle , ring finger tips)
1.Locate apex and upper border liver dullness and
join the line which is inferior border
of heart
2.Draw clinical base of heart ; Right and Lelft 2nd
space 1.25cm from each sternal edge ,on
left space along upper border of 3rd rib and on right space
along lower border of 2nd rib
3.Mark multiple point along right and left margin of
heart where dullness is found by percussing from shoulders ,lateral chest wall
,and join the point to indicate the borders/margin of heart
1.Locate apex and place at apex with the diaphragm
2.On left lateral position then with diaphragm at apex(Mitral regurgitation)
and bell at apex(Mitral stenosis) in breath holding expiration (Maneuver for Mitral stenosis)and
radiation to axilla( maneuver for Mitral regurtitation)
3.Return to 45 degree angle
4.Auscult at tricuspid
, pulmonary , aortic area with diaphragm
5.Sit and Lean a bit forward and auscultate with
diaphragm at lower left parasternal edge(Think Tricuspid area but never say it)
with breath holding expiration(Maneuver
for Aortic regurgitation), breath hold inspiration
same area nearly above(Tricuspid regurgitation) and at pulmonary & aortic area in breath holding
6.Over carotid arteries by diaphragm and radiation in
During auscultation of CVS always check coincidation with carotid artery with thumb and during thrill palpation do only if murmur found
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