Monday, 14 September 2015

Pleural effusion


Accumulation of  excess serous fluid within pleural cavity.
        Normally 5-15ml
           At least 200ml is required to be visible in X ray
              At least 500ml required to be detected clinically
                 USG detects even 20ml
                     If accumulation of pus-Empyema
                         If accumulation of blood-Hemothorax
                             If accumulation of chyle-Chylothorax


Commonest 4 causes/exudative causes-
                     Tuberculosis(Amber)-Pleural ADA>40 IU/L
                       Pneumonia (‘para-pneumonic effusion’)
                         Pulmonary infarction(Blood stained)
                           Malignancy(Blood stained)
      Traumatic pleural fluid is blood stained but clots on standing and Hemorrhagic fluid never clots

                      Cardiac failure(Bilateral)(Straw)
                         Nephrotic syndrome(Bilateral)
                           Chronic liver disease(Bilateral)
                              SLE/Rheumatoid arthritis(Bilateral)

Thoracic duct obstruction(Milky)

Unilateral pleural effusion-

                      Right sided-Liver abcess ,Meigh's syndrome(With ascitis and ovarian tumor)
                      Left sided-Acute pancreatitis(Blood stained) ,Dressler's syndrome

Clinical features



2.Pain on inspiration and cough



2.Palpation-↓Expansion ,Trachea and apex may be moved to opposite

3.Percussion-Stony dull

4.Auscultation-Absent breath sounds and vocal resonance ,crackles above effusion


FBC with TC DC WBC(neutrophilic leucocytosis in pneumonia) ,Hb, ESR(TB)

Chest X ray PA view-

Dense homogenous opacity at the lung base with concave upper border(Horizontal upper border if hydropneumothorax), blunting the costophrenic/cardiophrenic angle

Aspiration(Confirm) and biopsy

o   Colour

o   AFB ,Gm staining ,exfoliative cytology/malignancy

o   Biochemical
Protein- >3g/dL if exudative ,<3g/dL if transudative
Glucose- <3.3mmol/L if exudative , normal if transudative
LDH >1000U/L if exudative
Pleural fluid amylase-High in adenocarcinoma lung(Normal in mesothelioma)

CT scan

Pleural biopsy by Abram's/Cope's needle- Malignant seedling if malignancy

USG(Hypoechoic space)


1.Aspiration of fluid ,not more than 1.5L at one episode [ As there may be re expansion pulmonary edema]

2.Treat associated cause

Clinical effusion but no fluid comes after aspiration,what is the suggestion

Thickened pleura
Thick pus(Empyema)-Pneumonia ,TB ,lung abcess ,bronchiectasis
Mass lesion


Symptoms-High grade fever ,chills and rigor ,toxic ,pleuritic chest pain
Signs-Tachypnoea ,tachycardia

Empyema vs. chylothorax

Pus of empyema become clear after centrifuge
Fluid of chylothorax remains milky/cloudy after centrifuge

Recurrent pleural effusion
Bronchial carcinoma
All transudative causes

Treatment of recurrent effusion
  • Obliteration of pleural space by cytotoxic drugs
  • Rubber tube into pleural space>Aspirate>Give tetracycline ,kaolin ,bleomycin>clamp the tube>after 4-8 hours remove remaining fluid/tube during inspiration
  • Severe chest pain after pleurodesis>Give analgesic

Subpulmonary pleural effusion
Effusion between lower surface of lung and upper surface of diaphragm.Confused with subphrenic abcess

Phantom tumor/pseudotumor
Encysted effusion ,caused by localized collection of fluid  in interlobular fissure
Found in Congestive cardiac failure

Yellow nail syndrome
Congenital disorder-
     Yellow nail ,lymphedema legs and pleural effusion

Approach pleural effusion
                            Light's criteria to differentiate exudative and transudative effusion
Pleural effusion>Thoracocentesis>Measure Pleural fluid protein and LDH ,then-

Pleural fluid protein : Serum protein >0.5
Pleural fluid LDH : Serum LDH >0.6
Pleural fluid LDH >2/3rd of upper limit of serum LDH
If any of these are present-It is exudative cause
If these are  absent it is transudative cause-CHF ,Cirrhosis ,Nephrosis

Some short answer questions

4-5th space dull-Encysted effusion ,collapse ,mass lesion

Chest depression-Fibrosis ,pneumonectomy

Huge effusion-TB ,brochial carcinoma

Huge effusion without tracheal shift-Effusion with same sided collapse

Effusion without tracheal shift-Small effusion ,thickened pleura ,encysted effusion

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